Our most recent visitor
Not much goings on here, though I survived 50 years......plus one more just went by really fast. To keep me feeling young, Gary, Crystal, Dana and Brandon are taking me to Sea World for the........."special day". It should be great fun, and good food and bEEr! I might even have one with the Clydsedales.
I also get to go to NYC with Catherine for 4 days the end of March. We're stayin' at some fancy schmancy hotel on Broadway (I can feel a professional massage coming on). Cathy invited me to join her, she's attending the "big" International Vision Expo, and I'll get to see that too, but while she's seminaring, I'll be.......(you guessed it, I'm sure)........shopping! I cleaned my closet out, just in case I find a little something. I'll also get to visit Christin, who wants to show me the jammin' night life of a 20 something........I think I'm in trouble here, but no matter what we get up to, I'm sure it will be fun. Yes, I'll take some photos, and I'll even post some, if they're decent.....
Wedding plans are moving along. We have the place for the ceremony reserved, and if the "little dive" is available, we'll be set on the date we want to get married.......August 19th, so hold that thought.........a good thought............and I'll be confirming with everyone as soon as possible. We just really want to make it a fun, relaxing time for all, a time to really blend the families and friends. I'm still thinkin' denim......
Guitar lessons are moving along, and Gary is a real pusher, but its all good.....I've actually learned to play a few songs. Our bud, Barbie, comes to jam with us, and we're have fun jamming on a few songs together. She's gracefully offered up her band RadioActive to play some wedding reception music.....who knows, we might have some other surprise in store as well.
The screened room is scheduled for to be built out this week, they are starting it the day I leave for NYC...........it will be a nice surprise when I get home. The weather is getting here too, so the bunnies, lizards and birds are starting to rip and scatter around. I love it when the spring and summer pop, the cold sh*t is for the snow birds (like Stephen and Stanley.....whom I mention because I do miss having their smiling faces around, but you know, Maine is a great place to be when you're young and you can "tolerate" the cold much better---a great place for "old mama's" to visit after their 51st birthday.